Sunday 2 December 2012

Data Structures and Algorithm-Unit 2



Short Questions and Answers
(2 Marks )
Prepared By,
Mr. S. P. Santhoshkumar M.E.,
Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE.


1. Define Heap.
A heap is a partially ordered data structure, and can be defined as a binary tree assigned to its nodes, one key per node, provided the following two conditions are met
i.The tree’s shape requirement-The binary tree is essentially complete, that is all the leaves are full except possibly the last level, where only some rightmost leaves will be missing.
ii.The parental dominance requirement-The key at each node is greater that or equal to the keys of its children 

2. What are the properties of binary heap?
i) Structure Property
ii) Heap Order Property

3. What is a min-heap?
 A min-heap is a mirror image of the heap structure. It is a complete binary tree in which every element is less than or equal to its children. So the root of the min-heap contains the smallest element. 

4. what  is maxheap?
              If we want the elements in the more typical increasing sorted order,we can change the ordering property so that the parent has a larger key than the is called max heap

5. What do you mean by structure property in a heap?
A heap is a binary tree that is completely filled with the possible exception at the bottom level, which is filled from left to right. Such a tree is known as a complete binary tree.

6. What do you mean by heap order property?
In a heap, for every node X, the key in the parent of X is smaller than (or
equal to) the key in X, with the exception of the root (which has no parent).

7. What are the applications of priority queues?
• The selection problem
• Event simulation

8. What is the main use of heap?
Heaps are especially suitable for implementing priority queues. Priority queue is a set of items with orderable characteristic called an item’s priority, with the following operations
i. Finding an item with the highest priority
ii.Deleting an item with highest priority
iii.Adding a new item to the set

9. Give three properties of heaps?
The properties of heap are 
  •       There exists exactly one essentially complete binary tree with ‘n’ nodes. Its height is equal to log2n
  •       The root of the heap is always the largest element
  •       A node of a heap considered with all its descendants is also a heap 

10. Give the main property of a heap that is implemented as an array.
A heap can be implemented as an array by recording its elements in the top-down, left-to-right fashion. It is convenient to store the heap’s elements in positions 1 through n of such an array. In such a representation
i. The parental node keys will be in the first n/2 positions of the array, while the leaf keys will occupy the last n/2 positions
ii.The children of a key in the array’s parental position ‘i’ (1≤i≤n/2) will be in positions 2i and 2i+1and correspondingly, the parent of the key in position ‘i’(2≤i≤n) will be in position i/2. 

11. What are the two alternatives that are used to construct a heap?
The two alternatives to construct a heap are 
  •       Bottom-up heap construction
  •       Top-down heap construction

12. What is the algorithm to delete the root’s key from the heap?
i.Exchange the root’s key with the last key K of the heap
ii.Decrease the heap’s size by one
iii.“Heapify” the smaller tree by sifting K down the tree exactly in the same way as bottom-up heap construction. Verify the parental dominance for K: if it holds stop the process, if not swap K with the larger of its children and repeat this operation until the parental dominance holds for K in its new position.

13. What do you mean by the term “Percolate up”?
To insert an element, we have to create a hole in the next available heap location. Inserting an element in the hole would sometimes violate the heap order property, so we have to slide down the parent into the hole. This strategy is continued until the correct location for the new element is found. This general strategy is known as a percolate up; the new element is percolated up the heap until the correct location is found.

14. What do you mean by the term “Percolate down”?
When the minimum element is removed, a hole is created at the root. Since the heap now becomes one smaller, it follows that the last element X in the heap must move somewhere in the heap. If X can be placed in the hole, then we are done.. This is unlikely, so we slide the smaller of the hole’s children into the hole, thus pushing the hole down one level. We repeat this step until X can be placed in the hole. Thus, our action is to place X in its correct spot along a path from the root containing minimum children. This general strategy is known as percolate down.

15. What is meant by Implicit Heaps?

            A particularly simple and beautiful implementation of the heap structure is the implicit heap. Data is simply put into an array x[1...N] and the childrens of element x[i] are defined to be the elements x[2i] and x[2i+1]. Thus the parent of the element c can be found at c/2 (integer division).

16.What is a skew heap?
A heap data structure that is stored in a binary tree (not necessarily complete and balanced). The insertion and deletion of elements in the tree come from merging two skew heaps together in such a way that the heap property is preserved and the tree does not degrade to a linear tree.
17. How to merging 2 skew heaps?
Suppose we are merging a heap containing the elements 2, 5, and 7 with a heap containing the elements 4 and 6.
                    7  <- merge ->    6
                   / \                     /
                  5   2                             4
 i.   Identify the root, thus 7 becomes the new root and the left
   subtree of the heap with root 7 becomes the right subtree of
   the other heap:
                        7          2 <- merge -> 6   (to form the left subtree
                         \                           /     of the new skew heap)
                          5                        4

                                          / \
                                         6   5
                                           4   <- merge -> 2
                                          / \
                                         6   5
                                        / \
                                       2   4 

18. Define Fabinacci Heap.
The Fibonacci heap is a data structure that supports all the basic heap operations in O(1) amortized time, with the exception of delete_min and delete, which take O (log n) amortized time. It immediately follows that the heap operations in Dijkstra's algorithm will require a total of O(|E| + |V| log |V|) time. 

 Two heaps are merged only when it is required to do so. This is similar to lazy deletion. For lazy merging, merges are cheap, but because lazy merging does not actually combine trees, the delete_min operation could encounter lots of trees, making that operation expensive. Any one delete_min could take linear time, but it is always possible to charge the time to previous merge operations. In particular, an expensive delete_min must have been preceded by a large number of unduly cheap merges, which have been able to store up extra potential. 

20. Write the amortized analysis of Lazy Binomial Queues
To carry out the amortized analysis of lazy binomial queues, we will use the same potential function that was used for standard binomial queues. Thus, the potential of a lazy binomial queue is the number of trees.

21. Binomial heaps:
A set of binomial trees satisfying the following:
1.  Each binomial tree in H is heap-ordered:
            the key of a node is greater than or equal to the key of its parent
2. There is at most one binomial tree in H whose root has a given degree

22.Write the Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm

Let G = (V,E) be a weighted (weights are non-negative) undirected graph, let s Î V. Want to find the distance (length of the shortest path), d(s,v) from s to every other vertex.

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