Saturday 11 May 2013


a.Discuss atleast four applications of computer graphics.
b.When are Orthographic and Perspective projections at their best?
c.Define Lambertian reflectors. What is diffuse - reflection coefficient? What is its value?
d.Differentiate between Object Space and Image Space Methods for visible surface detection. Which is more common?
e.Mention any fourproperties of B-spline curves.
f.Prove that two successive 2D-rotations are additive, i.e. R (θ1) R (θ2) =R (θ1+ θ2).
g.What kind of clipping windows cannot be handled by Cyrus-Beck clipping algorithm? How such cases are handled?(7×4)

a.Write a note on RGB cube. What are two ways
by which you can specify color in computer graphics?(8)
b.How do you identify a concave polygon? Describe two methods for splitting concave polygons using proper diagrams.(10)

a.Show that the order in which transformations are performed is important by applying the transformation of the triangle ABC by:
(i)Rotating by 45o about the origin and then translating in the direction of the vector (1,0), and
(ii)Translating first in the direction of the vector (1,0), and then rotating by 45o about the origin, where A = (1, 0) B = (0 ,1) and C = (1, 1). (9)
b.Suppose a rectangular window ABCD is defined such that A (-1,-2) and C (3, 1).Using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm, clip the line segment joining the points P (-20, 0)
and Q (20, 30). Discuss limitations of Cohen-Sutherland algorithm.(9)

a.Write a brief note on Koch curve and the creation of different order of Koch curves.(6)
b.Briefly describe:
(i)Horner’s rule
(ii) Forward difference calculation.(6)
c.Write openGL curve functions, line functions and Geometric transformation functions; two from each category with their meaning.(6)

a.What are the fundamental operations involved in projecting a 3D point to a 2D pointon a Plane. Taking a suitable example explain one, two and three point perspective
b.Write a brief note on CSG methods. Give an example to illustrate.(8)

a.Discuss Depth sorting method for hidden surface elimination. What tests are performed when there is depth overlap ?(9)
b.To render a polygon, how does Gouraud surface rendering and Phong surface rendering proceed? Explain briefly. Also discuss problems with Gouraud Shading.(9)
a.What are two basic properties a fractal object has? Define with examples the three groups of fractals.(9)
b.How do you determine dimension of an object using fractal dimension method?Explain giving an example.

a.Investigate the effect of translation with tx=2, ty=3 followed by scaling with sx=2, sy=3 on the line AB with A(0,0) and B(1,1)
b.Describe the DDA line drawing algorithm.
c.Briefly describe the Cohen -Sutherland line clipping algorithm.
d.Write a short note on Morphing.
e.What do you understand by self-similar and self-affine fractals?
f.What are homogeneous co -ordinates? How are they used in matrix representation of transformations?
g. Briefly explain the binary space -partitioning method.(7×4)

Explain the Constructive Solid Geometry(CSG) method for solid modeling. Briefly explain how ray - casting methods are used to implement CSG operations.(9)
b.What are Octrees and why are they useful? How are they implemented? (9)

a.Explain the Z-Buffer method of Hidden Surface removal.(9)
b.Explain the Depth-sorting method for the elimination of Hidden surfaces. What are the basic functions it performs?(9)

a.Calculate the pixel colour value at the centroid of the triangle as shown below. The figure shows the coordinates and the colour of the vertices of the triangle. Use The Gouraud interpolation technique for interpolation.(10)

b.Explain the Phong shading model for rendering of polygon surfaces.(8)
a.Explain how Bresenham’s Line Algorithm is used to create accurate and efficient raster lines.(9)
b. Why do we need to antialias eour output? How is it done?(9)

a.Write the matrix of:
(i)Rotation through theta degrees in the counter clockwise direction
(ii)Reflection in x-axis
(iii) Reflection in y-axis(9)
b.Investigate the effect of reflection in x-axis followed by rotation through 45 degrees followed by reflection in y-axis on the square A(0,0), B(0,1), C(1,1), D(1,0).(9)

a.Find the equation of the Bezier curve that passes through (0, 0) and (4, 2) and controlled through (14, 10) and (4, 0).(6)
b.What are B-spline curves? Explain briefly mentioning a few of their properties.(6)
c.Enumerate the major differences between Bezier curve, B- spline curves and B- spline curve-NURBS.

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 100
(10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. Differentiate between Random Scan and Raster Scan displays
2. What is scan conversion?
3 What do you mean by aspect ratio?
4 Can you use line clipping algorithm to clip a polygon? Justify
5 What do you mean by Shearing?
6 What is a vanishing point?
7 What is a viewing pipeline?
8. What are the steps in rotating a triangle ABC by an angle e with respect
to an arbitrary point P?
9. Define Illumination.
10. What are the various applications of Computer graphics?

PART – B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) Explain about Cathode Ray Tube in detail
(b) Explain Cohen Sutherland's line clipping algorithm with an example
12. (a) Scale the triangle with vertices A(O,O), B(1,1), c(5,2) to twice its size along Xaxis
and to half its size along Y-axis.
(b) Rotate the above triangle ABC by 90 degrees with respect to the point C (5,2).
13 (a) Explain in detail the three-dimensional transformations (Translation, Scaling, and
Rotation) giving their matrix representations
(b) What are the methods involved in projecting three dimensional objects on a two
dimensional view plane? Explain
14. (a) List down the various visible surface detection algorithms and explain any two in detail.
(b) Compare the various representation methods for solids.
15. (a) Discuss the Illumination and shading models for polygons.
(b) Explain the OpenGL features for graphics programming.

*****THE END*****

Answer ALL questions.
PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

1. What are the merits and demerits of plasma panel display?
2. Define true color systems.
3. What are the limitations of DDA algorithm?
4. State few attributes of Curves.
5. What is homogenous coordinates?
6. Distinguish Clipping and Culling.
7. Define Blending Functions.
8. What is the use of View Reference point?
9. Define the roles of Coherence.
10. Define Virtual Reality.

PART B - (5 x 16 - 80 marks)
11. (a) Explain the principle of following video display devices:
(i) Cathode Ray Tube. (8)
(ii) Liquid Crystal Displays'. (8)
(b) Describe the working methodology of various input devices used for developing graphics applications.
12. (a) Explain the Bresenham's line drawing algorithms and analyze its merits  and demerits.
(b) Describe the procedure to generate a ellipse and show how it differs from circle drawing algorithms.
13. (a) Explain how to achieve the key two dimensional transformations using suitable examples.
(b) Explain the polygon clipping with the help of Sutherland - Hodgeman algorithm.
14. (a) Explain how to generate a Bezier Curve using the blending functions.
(b) Discuss the methodology of perspective projection and describe how it can be expressed using homogeneous coordinates.
15. (a) Explain the concept of Depth Buffer algorithm for detecting visual surface of a 3D object.
(b) Discuss the important principles behind Computer Animation with suitable diagrams.

 Answer ALL questions.
PARTA-- (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
1. What is true color system?
2. Differentiate positive matrix from active matrix.
3. Explain the disadvantages of DDA line drawing algorithm.
4. Explain how to load intensity values into the address of the frame buffer.
5. What is affine transformations?
6. Define view up vector.
7. How many control points are required to influence each section of spline curve? (between two successive knot values)
8. What is center of projection?
9. What is ray casting?
10. Define morphing.

PART B __ (5 x 16 = 80 marks)
11. (a) List the operating characteristics technologies : for the following display
(4 x 4 = 16)
(i) Raster refresh system .
(ii) Vector refresh system
(iii) Plasma panels
(iv) LCD.
(b) (i) Explain how Raster scan. system works. (8)
(ii) Discuss the use of computer graphics in computer aided design. (8)
12. (a) Explain the basic concept of Midpoint circle algorithm. Derive the
decision parameter for the algorithm and write down the algorithm
steps. (16)
(b) (i) Briefly explain the line attributes. (8)
(ii) Write short notes on antialiasing. (8)
13. (a) (i) Prove that the multiplication of transformation matrices for each of
the following sequence of operations is commutative: (8)
(1) Two successive rotation
(2) Two successive translation.
(ii) Explain with region codes the operation of Cohen Sutherland line
clipping algorithm. (8)
(b) Define clipping. Explain Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping.
What is the deficiency of it? How is it rectified with the other
algorithm? (2 + 8 + 3 + 3)
14. (a) Determine the blending function for uniform periodic Bspline curves for
n = 3, d = 2. (16)
(b) Explain 3D basic transformations with an example. (16)
15. (a) What are the classification of visible surface detection methods? Explain
anyone algorithm in each category. (16)
 (b) (i) Design a story board layout and accompanying key frames for an
animation of a given object. How do. You give acceleration for the
same objects? (8)
(ii) Explain the prineiples of animation

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