Wednesday 22 May 2013


Code No: R5420307 1
IV B.Tech. II Semester(R05) Regular Examinations, April/May 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Di®erentiate between interactive and passive graphics.
(b) Name the di®erent graphical input and output devices. Explain working of any four input
and output devices.
2. (a) What is Aliasing ang Antialiasing? Discuss about them in detail.
(b) What are the methods for character generation? Explain brie°y.
3. (a) Show that a rotation about the origin can be done by performing three shearing transfor-
(b) What is shearing? Explain X-shear and Y-shear in detail.
4. (a) Derive the transformation matrix for the viewing transformation.
(b) Explain multiple windowing with a suitable example.
5. (a) Explain Warnock's algorithm with a suitable example.
(b) Explain the Importance of B-Spline curves in geometric modeling.
6. (a) Why Beizer splines are more useful for curve and surfaces design? Write the properties of
Bezier curves.
(b) What are the advantages of B-splines over Bezier splines. Discuss the properties of B-spline
7. (a) Explain Viewing parameters for 3 dimensional object.
(b) Give the transformation matrices for
i. Translation.
ii. Rotation.
iii. Scaling in 3 dimensions.
8. Write short notes on:
(a) BSP-tree method.
(b) Depth sorting.
(c) Keyframe systems.
(d) Raster Animation.
? ? ? ? ?
Code No: R5420307 2
IV B.Tech. II Semester(R05) Regular Examinations, April/May 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) What is Computer Graphics? What are the major considerations in the study of computer
(b) Explain the working principle of a Plotter with a neat diagram.
2. (a) Give the scan-line algorithm for ¯lling a polygon and explain its features. Give the details
of each routine used in the algorithm.
(b) Explain about Bresenham's algorithm for ellipse Generation.
3. (a) Derive the transformation matrix for rotation about an arbitrary point.
(b) Give the 3£3 homogenous transformation matrix for each of the following:
i. Rotate counter clockwise about the origin by 45 degrees and then the X-direction by
one half as large.
ii. Scale the Y-direction by twice as tall shift down by 1 unit and then rotate clockwise
by 30 degrees.
4. (a) Draw a square with relative and absolute co-ordinates by using line and move commands
and Explain.
(b) Explain the features of Sutherland-hodgman clipping algorithm.
5. (a) Explain the features of painter's algorithm while handling surfaces of a 3D object in the
(b) What is the utility of Shading model? What are the main considerations in developing a
shading model.
6. (a) Give the transformation matrix for parallel and isometric projection.
(b) Write a short notes on clipping 3 Dimensional objects.
7. (a) Describe any one method of hidden line removal technique.
(b) Explain the Z-bu®er algorithm for hidden surface removal.
8. What is computer animation? Explain the languages that are used in animation.
? ? ? ? ?
Code No: R5420307 3
IV B.Tech. II Semester(R05) Regular Examinations, April/May 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) What is computer graphics? Write down di®erent applications of it.
(b) If a monitor has 525 scan lines with an aspect ratio of 3:4 and if each pixel contains 8-bits
for intensity information, how many bits per second are required to display 30 frames per
2. (a) Explain the steps in Ellipse algorithm with a suitable example.
(b) Write a procedure to determine a seed pixel for ¯lling a polygon using inside test.
3. (a) What is Composite transformation? Give example.
(b) Derive the transformation matrix to rotate an object by 30 degrees about the origin. What
will be the e®ect of applying this matrix operator on the point P(2,-6).
4. Explain Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm? Given a clipping window with upper left corner
at (0,20) and lower right corner at (30,0). A line having its end points at (10,30) and (40,0) is
to be clipped against the given window, Apply the cohen-sutherland method to clip this line
and show all the steps clearly.
5. Explain Gourand shading algorithm. Discuss its advantaged and disadvantages. Compare
Gourand shading with Phong's shading algorithm.
6. Di®erentiate between parallel and perspective projections. Derive a transformation matrix for
perspective projection.
7. Explain Z-bu®er algorithm. What is the maximum number of objects that can be handled by
the Z-bu®er algorithm and mention properties useful to improve the e±ciency of this algorithm.
8. Write a short notes on:
(a) Morphing.
(b) Simulating acceleration.
(c) Animation languages.
? ? ? ? ?
Code No: R5420307 4
IV B.Tech. II Semester(R05) Regular Examinations, April/May 2009
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. (a) Describe the architecture of Raster scan display with a clear block diagram.
(b) How di®erent shades of RGB colours are produced?
2. (a) Explain the basic concept in circle drawing. Write the steps involved in circle drawing
(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of 4-connected and 8-connected pixels in the
case of °ood ¯ll algorithm?
3. (a) What is re°ection? Explain steps in re°ection about origin and re°ection about y=-x line.
(b) Re°ect the polygon with vertices A(-1,0) B(0,2) C(1,0) and D(0,2) about
i. The horizontal line y=2.
ii. The vertical line x=2.
4. Explain Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm? Given a clipping window with upper left corner
at (0,20) and lower right corner at (30,0). A line having its end points at (10,30) and (40,0) is
to be clipped against the given window, Apply the cohen-sutherland method to clip this line
and show all the steps clearly.
5. (a) Determine the Beizer functions for ¯ve control points.
(b) Explain the properties of Beizer curves.
6. (a) Derive the 3D-transformation matrix for rotation about an arbitrary axis.
(b) De¯ne projection and mention its Importance.
7. Explain the steps in painter's algorithm? How is the depth of a polygon is determined by
Painter's and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of painters algorithm.
8. (a) What do you mean by Animation? Name di®erent kinds of animation techniques.
(b) Explain about keyframe systems.
? ? ? ? ?

cheme – E
Sample Question Paper
Course Name : Computer Engineering Group
Course Code : CO/CM/CD
Semester : Fourth
Subject Title : Computer Graphics
Marks : 100 Time :3 Hrs
1. All questions are compulsory.
2.Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3.Assume suitable data if necessary.
4.Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.
Q.1a Attempt any SIX of the following: [2 x 6= 12]
a)Define pixel
b)What is the need of homogeneous co-ordinate matrix?
c)Define view-port.
d)List any four properties of Bezier curve.
e)Draw a labeled diagram of shadow mask CRT.
f)List some Graphics Standards.
g)State and explain syntax of command used to draw po
h)List any four graphics file formats.
Q. 1b Attempt any TWO of the following: [4 x 2= 8]
a)Describe 3-D scaling along with its matrix represen
b)Describe the 2-D transformation matrix for rotation
about arbitrary point.
c)Find out the final co-ordinates of a figure bounded
by the co-ordinates (1,1), (3,4),
(5,7) and (10,3) when scaled by two units in X dir
ection and three unit in Ydirection.
Q.2 Attempt any FOUR of the following: [4 x 4 =16]
a)List any two advantages and two disadvantages of GI
F file format.
b)Describe any two text mode graphics function with s
c)Describe display file with its structure.
d)Describe working principle of DVST.
e)Draw and explain rotating memory frame buffer
f)Write only the subroutine for line clipping using m
idpoint subdivision algorithm.
Q.3 Attempt any FOUR of the following: [4 x 4 =16]
a)Write DDA line drawing algorithm.
b)How polygon is represented in computer graphics system?
c)Write C code for Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm.
d)Demonstrate with example inside outside test for po
e)Write a ‘C’ code for DDA line drawing algorithm
f)Compare Raster Scan & Random Scan display (Minimum 2 Points)
Q.4 Attempt any TWO of the following: [8 x 2 =16]
a)Write C code form drawing circle using mid point ci
rcle generation algorithm.
b)Describe Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm.
c)List four types of curve generations. Describe B-Sp
line method for curvegeneration.
Q.5 Attempt any FOUR of the following: [4 X 4 =16]
a)Explain any four design rules of GUI.
b)List four hazards of graphics standard.
c)Describe any one graphics standard.
d)Describe 3D translation along with its equation.
e)Write a ‘C’ code for translating a line in 2D.
Q.6. Attempt any FOUR of the following: [4 X 4=16]
a)Describe Hilbert’s curve with suitable example.
b)Describe fractal and give any two examples of fractal.
c)Derive transformation matrix for 2-D viewing transformation.
d)How category of a line is find out for its visibility using region codes in cohen
Sutherland line clipping algorithm.
e)Describe how fractal surfaces are drawn with fractal lines.
f)Write DDA arc generation algorithm.

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