Monday 16 April 2018

CS8251 Programming in C - IMPORTANT QUESTIONS

2017 Regulation
Anna University Chennai
CS8251 Programming in C
2 Marks
1.      List out the popular programming paradigms
2.      Short note on imperative programming.
3.      What are the characteristics of imperative programming?
4.      What is structured programming?
5.      Short note on declarative programming
6.      What are the Characteristics of declarative programming?
7.      Why Functional programming?
8.      Short note on OOP?
9.      What is the structure of basci c programming?
10.  How to execute the C programming?
11.  List the data types in c memory bytes.
12.  Define sizeof() function.
13.  What is the syntax of enum?
14.  What are the derived data types in C?
15.  What is void data type?
16.  What are the storage classes in C?
17.  List the types of C Constants.
18.  How to Use constants in a C Program?
19.  Write out the C programming keywords.
20.  What are the operators in C?
21.  Difference between left shift and right shift
22.  What is the conditional operator? Give the example program.
23.  What are the valid C Programming expressions?
24.  Short note on decision making statement in C
25.  Short note on looping statement in C
26.  What are the directives in C Programming?
27.  Give the examples with predefined macros.
28.  How helps the c processor for creating macros?
29.  Give the example for parameterized macros.
30.  Short note on compilation Process in C
31.  Short note on C Compiler.
32.  Short note on Linking in C

1.      Details about programming paradigms with popular types.
2.      Details about the following
a)      Why C?
b)      Advantages of C Programming.
c)      Disadvantages of C Programming.
d)     Futures of C Programming.
3.      Write the details about data types and storage classes.
4.      Explain about C Constant and Enumeration constants.
5.      Write about the C programming keywords with simple syntax with neet examples.
6.      Explain in details about the C Programming Operators with neat examples.
7.      Write about the following in details
a)      Precedence
b)      Associativity
c)      Expressions
d)     Input / Output Statements
e)      Assignment Statements
8.      Explain in details about Decision making Statements with neat flow chart.
9.      Write about looping statement with neat examples with flow chart.
10.  Explain in details Pre Processor Directives
11.  Write about the # and ## preprocessor.
12.  Explain in details about the compilation Process in C programming.


1.      Define Arrays with syntax.
2.      What is the array declaration?
3.      Define the array initialization with example.
4.      Use of one dimensional array
5.      What is the Syntax of one dimensional array?
6.      Short note on mean value with c programming algorithm.
7.      Short note on median value with c programming algorithm.
8.      Short note on mode value with c programming algorithm.
9.      Why two dimensional array?
10.  What is the syntax of two dimensional arrays?
11.  What is 2X2 and 3X3 Matrix in C programming?
12.  Short note on addition matrix operation in c programming.
13.  Short note on scaling matrix operation in c programming.
14.  What is a string operation?
15.  List out the String function operation?
16.  What is strleng()?
17.  What is strcmp()?
18.  Short note on Strcat().
19.  What is strcpy()?
20.  Define selection short.
21.  What is linear searc?
22.  Define binary search.
23.  What are the advantages of linear search?
24.  What are the advantages of binary search?
25.  Distinguish between arrays and strings?
26.  Compare string and array and Justify which on is better.

1.      Explain about the following in Arrays
a)      Definition
b)      Declaration
c)      Initialization
d)     Simple Program
2.      Explain and detail about the one dimensional program with neat examples.
3.      Write the program to find the Mean, Median and Mode using c programming one dimensional array.
4.      Write the program to find the sum, average using c programming one dimensional array.
5.      Write the program to find the standard deviation and variance using c programming one dimensional array.
6.      Explain and detail about the two dimensional program with neat examples.
7.      Write the program to find the addition and scaling using c programming two dimensional arrays.
8.      Write the program to find the determinant and transpose using c programming two dimensional array.
9.      Write a program selection sort using c programming
10.  Write the program for linear search using c programming
11.  Write the program for binary search using c programming
12.  Explain and detail about string operations in c programming.
13.  Write about the following
a)      strlen()
b)      strcmp()
c)      strcat()
d)     strcpy()


1.      Define function.
2.      Define function prototype.
3.      Define function definition.
4.      What is function declaration?
5.      What is function call with neat example?
6.      Why built in function in C Programming.
7.      Justify without built in function, we can code in C Program.
8.      short note on <string.h>
9.      short note on <math.h>
10.  Define recursive function.
11.  What is binary search?
12.  What is pointer?
13.  What is the use of pointers?
14.  What is node?
15.  Difference between pass by value and call by value
16.  Short note on array of pointer.
17.  Define shorting.
18.  Short note on pointer of pointer.
19.  What are the advantages of pointers?
20.  Write the simple program for call by value.
21.  Write down the program for call by reference
22.  Write the example for pointer to the Array.

1.      Write about functions in full details with neat examples.
2.      Explain in details about Built in function - string function.
3.      Explain in details about Built in function - math function.
4.      Details about the recursion function in C Programming and why recursion?
5.      Write the program for Sine Series using c Programming.
6.      Write the program for scientific calculator using c programming.
7.      Difference between binary search and recursive function with neat example program.
8.      Write the C program for sorting names.
9.      Write the C program for swapping two numbers and changing the value of variable using pass by reference.
10.  Difference between call by value and pass by value with neat program.


1.      Define structures.
2.      Why structures?
3.      What is the use of structures?
4.      Write the syntax of structures.
5.      Give the the example of nested structure.
6.      Justify Array and structure which one the best?
7.      Short note on pointers and structures.
8.      Short note on array of structures.
9.      What is this pointer?
10.  Define accessing member of a structure.
11.  What are the operators used for accessing members of structure?
12.  What is the syntax of malloc()?
13.  What is self referential structure?
14.  Give the exaple of self referential structure.
15.  Define Linked List.
16.  Define the declaration of linked list.
17.  Define typedef.
18.  Define sizeof().
19.  Define malloc().
20.  How to add a node to the linked list?
21.  What is the traversing list?

1.      Write about the overview of structure with neat example.
2.      Explain about the pointer and structures.
3.      Explain in details about array of structures
4.      Write the example program using structures and pointes.
5.      Explain in details about the self referential structures.
6.      Explain in details about the dynamic memory allocation.
7.      Explain the following with seperate example program
a)      typedef
b)      malloc()
c)      sizeof()
8.      Write the example program with neat explanation about the singly linked list.
9.      Explain in details about the typedef with neat example program.
10.  Write C Program to Implement Singly Linked List using Dynamic Memory Allocation

1.      What is file?
2.      Why files are used in C programming?
3.      What are the necessary of files?
4.      What are the types of files?
5.      Define sequential access file.
6.      Define random access file.
7.      What is binary file?
8.      What is text file?
9.      Difference between binary and text files
10.  List the file operations
11.  What are the file modes are available?
12.  How to read the file?
13.  How to write the file?
14.  What is the use of fseek()?
15.  What are the difference whence in fseek()?
16.  Give the examples of randowm access file.
17.  Define ftell().
18.  Define rewind().
19.  Define argc.
20.  Define argv.
21.  Difference between argc and arg[].

1.      Write the overview of files and file processing with neat example.
2.      Explain in details about the sequential access file with neat explanation.
3.      Explain in details about the random access file with neat explanation
4.      Write the program in using C - find the average numbers stored in sequential access file.
5.      Write the program - Transaction processing using random access files in C programming.
6.      Explain in details about the command line argument.
7.      Write the following with neat example program
a)      fseek()
b)      ftell()
c)      rewind()
8.      Write the details with example program for argc and argv[] using c file processing
9.      Write a C program to write all the members of an array of strcures to a file using fwrite(). Read the array from the file and display on the screen.
10.  Write a C program to read name and marks of n number of students from user and store them in a file.
11.  Write a C program to read name and marks of n number of students from user and store them in a file. If the file previously exits, add the information of n students.

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