Thursday 11 July 2013


12 Marks Questions

1). McCall suggest that simplicity, modularity, instrumentation and self descriptiveness are software quality criteria that is internal characteristics that promote external quality testability.
(I). Explain each of the above four criteria.
(II). Describe the possible measures for each of the criteria.
(III). Describe the possible ways in which the measures
could be assessed.
2). Explain Garvin’s five views of quality. (nov/dec2009)
3). State and explain, McCal’l s Model of quality. (nov/dec2009)
4). What are the quality metrics, measuring quality available? Explain.
5). Explain briefly about the levels of quality. (Apr/may2008)
6). Explain about the interrelation between quality criteria and software process.
7). Explain briefly about hierarchical modeling.
8). Discuss the Gilb’s approach for quality. (nov/dec2009)
9). Explain the hierarchical model of Boehm. (nov/dec2009)

12 Marks Questions

  1. List the constituency and their tasks to conduct software quality assurance. Also enlist the activities conducted by SQA group for attaining a high quality end product.  .(apr/may2008)
  2. Explain how software engineers perform software quality control activity in detail. .(apr/may2008)
  3. Explain the SQA plan.(nov/dec2009)
  4. How will you form teams to maintain quality in software development and products? .(nov/dec2009)
  5. List the techniques to be followed in reviews and explain them. .(nov/dec2009)
  6. What are quality audits? Explain it. .(nov/dec2009)
  7. Discuss the techniques used by quality auditors for software. Explain the importance of each technique.(apr/may2008)


1. Explain in Detail about the Ishikawa’s basic tools in software development (16)
2. Explain in detail about the CASE tools.
3. Explain the Defect removal Effectiveness.
4. Explain the Reliability models.
5. Explain in detail about the Rayleigh model.
6. Explain Reliability growth model for quality assessment
7. Explain the Defect Prevention Process



1. Explain in detail the elements of QMS. (16)
2. Explain the Rayleigh model framework. (16)
3. Explain the Reliability Growth models. (16)
4. Explain the complexity metrics and its models (16)
5. Explain Lines of Code and Halstead’s Software Science. (16)
6. Explain in detail the Cyclomatic Complexity (16)
7. a)Explain Syntactic constructs (8)
b) Briefly explain structure metrics. (8)
8. Explain in detail the Customer satisfaction surveys .



1. Discuss in detail about the needs for standards (16)
2. Explain the ISO9000 series standard (16)
3. Explain the ISO9000-3 standard for software development. (16)
4. Explain in detail the CMM Model (16)
5. Explain the CMMI Model (16)
6. Explain the Six Sigma Concepts. (16)

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